
Finding the Right Home

Honolulu, Hawaii — With all the choices in today's market, how do you go about finding the right home? It seems the more research you do, the more alternatives you discover.

It's important to visualize your needs and plan ahead. "Know what you want in a home, what's important to you, and what you can live without. Many of us start out with a champagne taste and a beer pocketbook, so it's important to be realistic.

Where and what you buy will affect you for as long as you live in the house. "Get your priorities in order before you start looking or even talk to a real estate broker or sales associate."

For first-time home buyers this is a new experience, so it's especially important to do your homework. If you currently own a home, you know exactly what's lacking. You may need another bedroom or bathroom, or a good school nearby.

First, decide where you want to live. A big part of the answer hinges on where and how you earn a living. If your job requires a lot of reading or is quite stressful, public transportation may offer valuable time to sit quietly. "Regardless, you should practice the commute in rush hour before you make a commitment. A seemingly quiet road can transform into gridlock during peak hours.

People with children have other major considerations: school and safety. If you plan to send your children to private schools, you can live where you want assuming you can easily arrange transportation. On the other hand, a lavish public school system may indicate high local real estate taxes. Check them out.

Obviously, lifestyle is an important consideration. People who frequently dine out, go dancing and attend the theater probably belong in the city or a close-in suburb. "In other words, make sure you're in close proximity to the things that matter most,"

It used to be that homes came in a limited variety, but today, you have many choices. In addition to the traditional single-family home, you can buy a townhouse, condominium or apartment condominium or co-op. 

In planned unit developments (PUDs), you can find almost any combination. In condos and other such communities, make sure the rules and regulations, as well as the by-laws, match your lifestyle. This type of housing is great for people who want to own their own space without being responsible for mowing the lawn or repairing the roof; a management company handles that.

On the other hand, you'll pay fees for these services. "In addition to checking the documents and financial soundness of the homeowner's association, you must determine if the monthly fees are worth the services and additional amenities such as a swimming pool or exercise room," .

Affordability can be a factor not only in the type of housing, but whether it's new or an existing home. Old houses often have fine woodwork or interesting nooks and crannies not normally found in new homes. They generally sit on landscaped lots with mature trees and grown bushes.

New homes may cost more, but you can make many more decisions on amenities, colors, carpeting and fixtures. "Make sure you're dealing with a reputable builder, and have an attorney review all documents."

Selecting a real estate professional is an important first step in beginning your search. "Ask for personal recommendations to find an individual who is knowledgeable about the neighborhood and has access to the local Multiple Listing Service." Make sure you feel confident about his or her knowledge and skills, and understand the business relationship that you have established between you.

Keiko Kakiyama RA GRI,ABR,SRES is one of more than 40,000 members of the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council (REBAC) of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, who have attained the Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR®) designation. As the world's largest association of real estate professionals focusing specifically on representing the real estate buyer, REBAC is "The Voice for Buyer Representation," with more than 40,000 active real estate professional members of the organization throughout the world.

To find an ABR-designated agent near you, and to receive a free copy of the REBAC-published "Homebuyer's Toolkit," visit www.REBAC.net or call 800-648-6224.


Hawaii hotels see occupancy, room rate gains

Hawaii hotels see occupancy, room rate gains

Pacific Business News

Date: Friday, February 11, 2011, 6:00am HST

Hawaii hotel rooms were about three-fourths full during the week ending Feb. 5, and average room rates across the state were strikingly higher than during the same week in 2010, according to Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Advisors.

ハワイのホテルルームは25日前の1週間は4分の一埋まっていました。Hospitality Advisorsとスミスとラベルリサーチによると、平均的なホテルのルームレートは昨年の同じ週に比べれば少しあがっているようです。

The average statewide hotel occupancy rate was 74.7 percent, up 7.3 percentage points from the same week a year ago. Oahu's 81.3 percent occupancy rate was 9.4 percentage points higher than the same week last year, and Maui's occupancy rate of 77.4 percent was 4.4 percentage points higher than a year ago. The Big Island's 60.9 percent occupancy rate was 8.2 percentage points higher compared to the same week last year, and Kauai's occupancy rate of 51.9 percent was 1.6 percentage points higher than a year ago.

ハワイ州ホテルの稼働率          2011年 74.7パーセント $  2010年より7.3パーセントアップ    

オアフ島のホテル稼働率          2011年 81.3パーセント   2010年より9.4パーセントアップ

マウイ島のホテル稼働率          2011年 77.4パーセント   2010年より4.4パーセントアップ

ハワイ島のホテル稼働率         2011年 60.9パーセント   2010年より8.2パーセントアップ

カウアイ島のホテル稼働率         2011年 51.9パーセント   2010年より 1.6パーセントアップ

ハワイ州のホテルの平均宿泊単価   2011年 1泊 $184.33      2010年より 8.7パーセントアップ

オアフ島のホテルの平均宿泊単価   2011年 1泊 $161.15      2010年より 13.1パーセントアップ

マウイ島のホテルの平均宿泊単価     2011年 1泊 $230.17      2010年より 4.6パーセントアップ

ハワイ島のホテルの平均宿泊単価        2011年 1泊 $191.25        2010年より 7.8パーセントアップ

カウアイ島のホテルの平均宿泊単価    2011年 1泊 $191.38        2010年より 8パーセントアップ

The average statewide room rate of $184.33 was up 8.7 percent compared to the same week in 2010. Oahu's average room rate of $161.15 was 13.1 percent higher than the same week a year ago, and Kauai's average room rate of $191.38 was 8 percent higher than the same week last year. The Big Island's average room rate of $191.25 was 7.8 percent higher than during the same week a year ago, and Maui's average room rate of $230.17 was 4.6 percent higher than the same week last year.

The weekly hotel report is based on a daily hotel survey of approximately 100 properties representing 40,744 rooms, which account for 71.5 percent of Hawaii's total hotel rooms for properties with 20 units or more.




Accredited Buyer’s Representation ABR




Keiko Kakiyama has been awarded the Accredited Buyer's Representation (ABRâ) designation by the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council. (REBAC) of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSâ (NAR).

Keiko Kakiyama joins more than 30,000 real estate professionals in North America who have earned the ABRâ designation. All were required to successfully complete a comprehensive course in buyer representation and an elective course focusing on a buyer representation specialty, both in addition to submitting documentation verifying professional experience.

REBAC, founded in 1988, is the world's largest association of real estate professionals focusing specifically on representing the real estate buyer. There are more than 40,000 active members of the organization world-wide. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSâ, "The Voice for Real Estate," is the world's largest professional association, representing over 1,000,000 members involved in all aspects of the real estate industry.

You may contact the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council by telephone, (800) 648-6224, by e-mail, [rebac@realtors.org], or by visiting the REBAC website, [www.REBAC.net].
私、柿山恵子RAは、このたびREBAC of the National Association of REALTORS(NAR)よりABR Accredited Buyer's Representation公認購入者専任エージェントとして承認を得ました。

ABR® (Accredited Buyer's Representative) and ABRM (Accredited Buyer's Representative Manager) are designations of


Bldg:コンド名 Chateau Waikiki シャトーワイキキ
Addr住所: 411 Hobron Ln City: Honolulu HI Zip: 96815
Regn: Metro Neighborhood:地域 WAIKIKI ワイキキ

階数 38階建て # OF FLOORS 38
戸数  459ユニット # OF UNITS 459
竣工年Yr Built: 1974  敷地面積Land SqFt: 70,605 Conversn Yr: Land Acres: 1.535 洪水地区 Flood Zone: A
エレベーターの数Elevators: 4基 





例えば、ワイキ以前にワイキキマリーナコンドミニアムをお買い上げいただいたときはエレベーター改築の分の積立金の回収の最中でしたがこの分については売り手に負担してもらいました。通常は、登記日を境にして、前は売主、後は買主が払うようになります。このような支払いは負担となりますが、ビルを新しく整備するので新しくオーナーになる方のベネフィットになります。こういったことは、購入時にすでにわかっているときもありますし、前筆の住人の方のようにオーナー組合の会議に参加していなかったり、ニュースレターに目を通してなかったりすると、オーナーでも支払う直前まで知らないときもあります。他のコンドミニアムの例をあげますと、ワイキキマリーナがエレベーターの改築をしたときは1ヶ月あたり274ドルを1年間払っていたようです。(for 12 mos to May 20101年で3288㌦負担したことになります。ワイキキマリーナコンドのエレベーターは2基ありますが、世帯数も少ないです。



シャトーワイキキ1ベッドルームの広さInter Liv Ar: 552 スクエアフィート ラナイの広さ Open Lanai: 48 スクエアフィート 合計の広さTotal Area: 600 スクエアフィート

Inter Liv Ar: 540 スクエアフィート ラナイの広さ Open Lanai: 60 スクエアフィート 合計の広さTotal Area: 600 スクエアフィート(リビングルーム側にラナイがある場合)

1ベッドのパーキング#Pk: 1 1ベッドルームの月々の管理費 Mon Maint: $398

シャトーワイキキ2べッドルームの広さ Inter Liv Ar: 616スクエアーフィート ラナイの広さ Open Lanai: 50 スクエアフィート 合計の広さTotal Area: 666スクエアフィート

2ベッドのパーキング#Pk: 2タンデム 2ベッドの月々の管理費 Mon Maint: $437
リースの場合の借地賃貸料 $45(1ベッド)$59(2ベッド) 2015年まで 借地の契約切れ 2050年 11

景色 部屋の階数による 偶数 アラワイ運河、山 シティ オーシャンビュー 奇数 プール ダイヤモンドヘッド、シティー オーシャン

ビルディングスタイル Building Style High-Rise 7+ Stories ハイライズ7階建て以上   コンクリート Concrete
Amenities 設備  BBQ Exercise Room Heated Pool Meeting Room Patio/Deck Resident Manager
Sauna Security Guard Storage Trash Chute
Maintenance Fee Includes 管理費に含まれるもの Electricity電気 Hot Water お湯 Sewer 下水 Water

Inclusions 通常のお部屋に付随するもの AC Split エアコン Auto Garage Door Opener オートガレージオープナー Dishwasher 皿洗機 Disposal ディスポーザー

Range/Oven レンジオーブン Refrigerator冷蔵庫 Smoke Detector 煙探知機 Dryer Washer 洗濯乾燥機

Security セキュリティー Card Key ファブ Security Patrol セキュリティーパトロール Video ビデオ


2011 January Market Overview   2011年1月の不動産マーケット情報


Waikiki Condo Bamboo as of Feb 10 2011 売り出しコンドのご紹介 バンブー 2011年2月10日





Please click the picture for detail information. 写真をクリックすると詳細をご覧になれます。
Condo/Townhouse バンブー
ML#: 1100732 Active 1-2-6-023-067-0059 List: $180,000 FS - Fee Simple

Bamboo BR: 0 Baths: 1 / 0

2425 Kuhio Ave 708  MorePictures 写真

WAIKIKI Inter: 249 Total: 298

Views: City , Sunset Frnt: Lanai: 49 YrBt: 1968

Fractional: No Tax: $149 Parking: None #PK Stalls: none TotFee: $322

TM: Cash DOM: 21 SD: Sold: $

Prop Cond: Excellent Assd Val Land: $20,400 Assd Val Imprv: $132,800 Assd Val Total: $153,200

LO: Primary Properties Inc.

A classy boutique condo centrally located in Waikiki near bus stops, beaches, shops, restaurants, attractions. Recently tastefully renovated with high-end appliances and furnishings. Excellently managed with friendly 24-hour staff and concierge. Voted TOP 10 hotels in Waikiki for business travelers. Live in your unit or place it in the hotel pool. Great investment.


Please click the picture for detail information. 写真をクリックすると詳細をご覧になれます。

Condo/Townhouse バンブー

ML#: 1013018 Active 1-2-6-023-067-0083 List: $209,888 FS - Fee Simple

Bamboo BR: 0 Baths: 1 / 0  More Pictures 写真

2425 Kuhio Ave 1006

WAIKIKI Inter: 273 Total: 322

Views: City , Ocean Frnt: Other Lanai: 49 YrBt: 1968

Fractional: No Tax: $219 Parking: None #PK Stalls: 0 TotFee: $267

TM: Cash , Conventional DOM: 126 SD: Sold: $

Prop Cond: Excellent Assd Val Land: $16,900 Assd Val Imprv: $195,400 Assd Val Total: $212,300

LO: Darlene Y.S. Chun

Great investment for vacation home. Apt is in 'hotel pool' with very high occupancy rate. Partial ocean view,newly painted, AC and DSL hook up. Enjoy poolside with spa & BBQ. Walk to beach and enjoy the Waikiki shopping and night life. Most desirable unit in the building.